The Business Master (4th Edition)
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The following list contains some of the error messages you may
encounter while running PC─INDEX.
Can't Create Database File ─ make sure you have space available
on your hard disk.
Can't Create Index File ─ make sure you have space available on
your hard disk.
Can't find Discard word file. ─ The file 'DISCARD.DBF' could not
be found. If you select the Edit Discard Word File option,
'DISCARD.DBF' should be created automatically and this problem
should not occur.
Can't find Include word file. ─ The file 'INCLUDE.DBF' could not
be found. If you select the Edit Include Word File option,
'INCLUDE.DBF' should be created automatically and this problem
should not occur.
Can't find Phrase word file. ─ The file 'PHRASE.DBF' could not be
found. If you select the Edit Phrase Word File option,
'PHRASE.DBF' should be created automatically and this problem
should not occur.
Can't locate the text in this document. ─ You may have selected
the wrong document format or your document may not have any text.
Can't open custom character set. ─ The file 'CUSTOM.SET' could
not be found. If you select the Edit Custom Character Set
option, 'CUSTOM.SET' should automatically be created and this
problem should not occur.
Can't open file 'filename'. ─ The file may not exist. Check to
see if it does or not. You may also not have enough file handles
available. If you have the 'FILES=' setting in your CONFIG.SYS
file set to less than 10 or if you do not have a 'FILES=' setting
you may need to correct it.
Can't open file 'PCI.DEF'. ─ Try selecting the Save Defaults
option from the FILE menu.
Can't Open Personal Name Database File ─ Check the name of the
Personal Name List Filename and make sure that it exists. The
filename can be found by selecting Edit Default Settings List in
the Edit List Menu.
Can't Open Personal Name Index File ─ Check the name of the
Personal Name List Filename as above. If everything looks right,
you may need to copy the file from the original PC─INDEX
Couldn't save custom character set. ─ Make sure there is space
available on your hard disk drive.
CUSTOM.SET could not be found and could not be created. ─ Make
sure there is space available on your hard disk drive.
Error Creating Index File. ─ make sure you have space available
on your hard disk.
Error Creating Wildcard Description File. ─ make sure you have
space available on your hard disk.
Error Opening Output Phrase Database File ─ Make sure you spelled
the name of the output phrase file correctly. You may also need
to make sure that there is enough space available on your hard
disk drive.
Error Opening Output Phrase Index File ─ Make sure that there is
enough space available on your hard disk drive.
Fatal Error ... Disk Full ─ make sure you have space available on
your hard disk.
File 'filename' already exists. ─ This is just a warning.
File 'filename' couldn't be created. ─ Make sure that you have
space available on your disk.
File 'filename' is not an extracted word file. ─ The file that
you selected to index is not an extracted word file. If you
continue, the results will be unpredictable at best and you may
crash PC─INDEX.
File 'filename' is not a phrase file ─ The file you are trying to
process is not a phrase file. It is probably a single word file.
Extract Phrases again.
File 'filename' is not a single word file ─ The file you are
trying to process is not a single word file. It is probably a
phrase file. Extract Single Words again.
Information is needed from the wildcard description file
'filename' and it could not be found. ─ The wildcard description
file does not exist or you entered the wrong name. The wildcard
description file will be created automatically when you are
extracting words or phrases from a group of files.
Level One Cannot Be Left Blank ─ When entering phrases you must
include an entry for Level One and for the Search String.
Not enough memory to continue ... ─ There are a number of places
where this message could occur. Make sure that you have 640K of
memory. You may need to remove any TSR programs that are loaded.
Not Enough Memory to View a File ─ Make sure that you have 640K
of memory. You may need to remove any TSR programs that are
Out of memory. ─ Make sure that you have 640K of memory. You may
need to remove any TSR programs that are loaded.
PC─INDEX Help File Could Not be Found ─ Make sure the files
'PCI.HLP' and 'PCI.INX' exist. If they don't, you will need to
reinstall them.
Problem Opening Wildcard Description Index File ─ Make sure that
you spelled the Wildcard Description Filename correctly.
Problem reading extracted word file. ─ You may have a problem
with your system.
Problem writing to extracted word file. ─ You may have a problem
with your system.
The page width you have entered is not wide enough to handle the
selections you have chosen. Please modify your selections. ─ The
printer width you entered is not wide enough to handle the
settings that you entered. You may need to use fewer columns or
narrow the column width somewhat. Experiment with the settings
until the required width (in reverse video) is less than the
printer page width.
The Phrase file 'filename1' has been modified after the file
'filename2' was created. ─ PC─INDEX uses the phrase file to look
up each phrase as it creates the index. If you have edited the
phrase file after extracting phrases, the index will not be
accurate. You will need to extract phrases again.
The Search String Cannot Be Left Blank ─ When entering phrases
you must include an entry for Level One and for the Search
There may not be enough files available. ─ This is just a warning
that you may have problems later. If you are processing very
large files, PC─INDEX may have to abort in the middle of
extracting the word list if it needs more files than your system
has available. If you have the 'FILES=' setting in your
CONFIG.SYS file set to less than 10 or if you do not have a
'FILES=' setting you may need to correct it.
This is not a WordPerfect 5.0 document. ─ You have set the
document format as WordPerfect 5.0 and the document that you are
trying to process was not created using WordPerfect 5.0.
Wildcard Description File Index Could Not be Found ─ Make sure
that you spelled the Wildcard Description Filename correctly.
Word list file could not be found and could not be created. ─
Either the include word file or the discard word file could not
be found or created. Make sure that there is space available on
your hard disk drive.
Word list file could not be opened. ─ Either the include word
file or the discard word file could not be found. If you attempt
to edit them using the Edit Discard Word File or Edit Include
Word File options, they will be created automatically.